Fitness + Well-being

A photo of a snowy backyard with a dog happily shoveling snow. (Taken with Canon EOS 5D Mark IV)

aches and pains


Why you feel more aches and pains in the cold weather — and what you can do about it

Luke Evans showcasing his toned figure and chiseled abs in front of a mirror, taken with a Canon 5D Mark IV.

Luke Evans


Disney Star Luke Evans Drops 17 Pounds in 10 Weeks

A photo of a person taking vitamins and supplements, with a bottle of vitamins in focus, taken with a Nikon D850.

healthy habits


10 Healthy Habits to Boost Your Well-being in Less Than 10 Minutes Each

Laura Ingraham spending quality time with her three teenage children, captured with a Nikon D850.

Dana Perino


Short Questions with Dana Perino for Laura Ingraham

A photo of a fitness trainer demonstrating proper weightlifting technique at a UK gym, taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV.

UK gyms


UK Gyms Ban Selfies in Blow to Influencers: 'Distraction Factor is Significant'

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